ITSPURS Services

At ITSPURS, we believe in making sure your focus remains where it should be – riveted on the core business functions that drive your top and bottom lines. Hence, we have tailored our service offering to encompass the entire scope of IT functions.

We work as a seamless appendage of your internal teams, delivering value at every step. When you partner with us, we take complete ownership of your business pain points, delivering precise, scalable and reliable long-term solutions to address them.


24/7 Emergency Support for your Production Environment

We understand that your ERP instance is the basis of your business and that any form of Application Support, be it as a maintenance contract, or as a consulting service is incomplete if emergency support has to wait. Hence we offer 24x7 Emergency Support as a standard feature on all of our Application Management Service packages.

Thorough system monitoring by seasoned experts

Given the mission critical nature of an Enterprise Application, we give it as much importance when we allocate resources. When you partner with us, what you get as a default is Platinum grade resources monitoring your instance - a team that can spot aberrations and proactively perform maintenance activities if required and on a priority basis. This offering is also a standard on all packages.

Detailed, granular reports on the entire SAP environment

Do just system availability, reliability and zero downtime suffice as metrics for the performance of your Enterprise Applications? We know better and hence evaluate and provide granular reports on each aspects of your application landscape. This helps you understand the status of your instance vis-à-vis your future plans, enabling quick and efficient decision making on your IT investments.

Proactive troubleshooting and error resolution

Application Management is more than just applying patches, performing scheduled back-ups and responsively fixing errors. We have learnt that and from a business and user's perspective, you could not tell us enough how important a proactive approach to error resolution is. Hence we perform regular checks on your application instances to ensure that all possible errors, bottlenecks and bug possibilities are discovered and resolved to effectively eliminate the scope for downtime, application failure or unavailability in your production environment.

Expert performance tuning

In the ever-changing global marketplace information availability is the key to success. And we help you achieve this success by ensuring your Enterprise Application is available and performing at the optimum level. Our panel of experts conduct regular systems checks and tune-up your applications so your entire organization is integrated seamlessly in terms of information flow to the respective stakeholders.

Client copies and Landscape refreshes

Whether it is to make production data available to developers, or to ensure that your business information is adequately backed up, we refresh your application landscapes and clients at regular intervals, as well as when required.

Regular Backups and Patching

Although we take up backup and patch application tasks like we take each breath, we believe backing up and patching is one of the least significant aspects of your Application Maintenance engagement. This is because an AMS package needs more than Back-up and Patches to add value to your business and your Enterprise Application.

Hence we strive to add value to your business by providing Application Maintenance, co-owning the successes, failures, strengths and weaknesses of your ERP, in a flexible, fully scalable global delivery model.

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