Custom Application Development
Technology Expertise

Enterprise Application Services

Custom Application Development

Technology Expertise

The ITSPURS offering is derived from our expertise in the respective technologies as outlined below.

Technology Expertise

Today, the term application has gone through a sea-change in what it stands for. There was a time when client-server, three-tier-architecture and service oriented architecture were buzz words when it came to custom applications. Today, the term applications is synonymous with a sense of seamless access across devices, platforms and connected media.

Whether your need is data processing or just plain connectivity to a particular service, your application needs to evolve beyond the silo of technology and architecture into a truly Digital system.

At ITSPURS, we leverage our experience in traditional application development, the fact that we have our head and shoulders in the "cloud" and our vision of the Internet of Things to give you solutions that meet your current requirements, are capable of preemptively solving your future problems as well as be scalable and reliably available whether on the PC, a tablet, in the cloud or on mobile.

We combine our expertise with cross-platform integration and solution architecture to give you an experience that builds trust and adds value to your end customers as well as your stakeholders.

Our technology platform expertise encompass

Before the blizzard and cold weather warnings around New York state and the neighboring regions, in end of January 2015, Walmart sent in truckloads of pop tarts and candy bars to its stores alongside the regular stocks sent to a region that is expecting bad weather.

They sent the pop tarts because they saw that similar scenarios right from Hurricane Katrina onwards, the sales of pop tarts and similar ready-to-eat stuff increased as much as 700% in the wake of bad-weather warnings.

This is the standard case study that you'd have heard when it comes to analytics – but its significance cannot be ignored.

Knowing what your customers or prospective customers are doing, what they're buying, how they're going about it and what they are saying about what they bought is the starting point of making good business decisions. It's a sequence of good decisions throughout the year that ends up as a good P&L account at the end of the year.

At ITSPURS, we believe we can get you there – with a good profit to show and a decent enough year-on-year growth in top line and bottom line.

In your quest for getting the right information, in the right perspective, at the right time and to the right people, ITSPURS can assist you at every step of the process.

  • Getting your data in one place: From building enterprise data warehouses to incorporating scalable data services that aggregate data from diverse sources, we offer end-to-end solutions.
  • Cleansing and managing data: We offer precision driven Data Management services that will ensure you have accurate, usable and up-to-date data at any given point in time.
  • Real-time Data Acquisition: We know that your business decisions are seconds away from major victories or significant failures – and we ensure you will never fall short of real-time data. From ETL development to UI based data selection, from scheduled processes to real-time data-refreshes, we can give you the solution that is a best-fit for your enterprise needs.
  • Analytics: Getting the right perspectives from your data, to dashboards, extending access to the cloud and mobile, we can give you a seamlessly connected analytics platform irrespective of your databases, locations or the dimensions you require.

Connected devices or the Internet of Things (IoT) is the future of the Digital world that we live in and in order that you scale up to the challenges that the disruptive nature of today's technology and exploit the opportunities they present.

Being a seamlessly integrated enterprise across the clouds is not merely a decision businesses take to claim brag rights about being hi-tech and up-to-date with their customers’ movements. It is a fundamental survival tool in today’s digital marketplace.

At ITSPURS, our capabilities encompass the entire length breadth and depth of the cloud from porting current on-premise and web applications to the cloud, as well as creating new business models and guiding our customers through the process of really using the cloud rather than just having a presence.

Whether it is cloud platforms or setting up your own, we can help clients throughout the spectrum of the need when it comes to cloud solutions. From concept to realization, down to support and lifecycle management, we are steadfast partners at every step, driving excellence, delivering efficiency and industrializing innovation.

Our services extend through:

  • Applications on cloud – whether creating and deploying new applications, reengineering current web applications or migrating legacy applications, we do it all and do it with ease.
  • Integration on the cloud – For distributed organizational structures and environments, we help clients leverage the cloud to ensure real-time data consolidation, seamless connectivity and automation that helps drive efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Software as a Service: traditional desktop and server applications can leverage the cloud to truly spread their wings and take flight when it comes to reaching out to global audiences, disrupting the traditional licensing system with innovative, attractive and significantly cost-efficient engagement models, reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and the time it takes for solutions to begin delivering business benefits.

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